---Amazing Flash---
Here's the whole flash figured out (my way):
The cartoon represents the moment of man's death, that is the moment at which his body separates from his soul. The dog is his soul (the reason why dog IS his soul and not a living being is because dogs are symbol for friends, and since the dog told man he is alone, it meant that dog is not really there, it is just an important part of man's existance), while man himself represents his body. House represents the place between this world and heaven. The dog comes from below in the house because they are in the middle of this world and another (notice that when dog left the house there was no ground, only clouds) and dog came from earth. Now, notice that dog tells the man that he is alone (which means no wife, no children, no friends...), and unlike tree he can leave nothing behind after he dies (the tree's growth's will make another tree, and so on...), so dog (his soul) helps him in creating his own "product" (like tree). After his tumor has grown enough, and his time came, and he finaly has something to leave behind, he dies, by becoming one with dog (that is one with his soul, the reason why he stuck that cable in his head is because he is finaly complete, he doesn't need someone else to think for him). At final scene, the room is without him because he left, and he leaves his "product" behind, at the place where the tree used to be. So, if he died he would still leave his body behind, but this way he left his own "product", and he died happy. With no friends or familliy, only thing he is able to leave behind is disease.
This is just the way I see this movie, it is not necessary for anyone to accept this.